Realistically, I wish I can sell the best copy of my paperback book for $11.99. Maybe, my hardback for $20.99. Sounds great to me! Wouldn’t you agree?
I want my readers to easily access and benefit (hopefully) from my first self-help book, Blizzard Head. Initially, I wanted it to be free– to be my legacy of love.
I want to master this sort of love for humanity; A selflessness in my ongoing loving charity of a knowledge spreading legacy…even after I pass to the next realm…for an infinite infinities. After all, knowledge is our soul liberating life-saver to save us from ourselves, to say the least. It must be free like oxygen.
Then, a dear friend told me: “Be in the middle, balanced.” I don’t know what to do with that information. I want my readers to have an affordable, quality experience.
With that said, I feel that it’s imperative to let you know that I have no idea what I’m doing. I’m a new author. My publisher is a tenured Lulu Direct Publishing subscriber. So, I missed the boat a long time ago as far as getting older, cheaper deals. Lulu Direct Publishing is all I know that’s user-friendly…for the most part.
With that said, if anyone knows of a print-on-demand company that works well with Shopify that delivers high quality books for cheaper prices than what we have here so far…please, reach out and let me know through my contact page.
Also, I feel that it’s imperative to let you know that on top of not having any say in the prices, every book besides the regular $21.99 paperback on my website– I do NOT get any royalties from it. So, all the other expensive types of Blizzard Head, especially the high quality types, every cent you spend is all for the production and shipping costs only. I gain nothing, Alhamdulah.
Likewise, Lulu Direct Publishing informed me that prices are going to spike in November of 2022 and to do mark-ups to fit the new printing costs of this trying economy.
My initial intention was to have Blizzard Head be a free book. It will someday, Insha’Allah. It looks like where I’m going.
In the meantime, I want you to know that the only royalties I’m getting are from the $21.99 version on my website and Amazon…but it’s not a quality experience.
I want you to have a quality experience through hyper viewing the psychedelic, technicolor art illustrations within Blizzard Head. At this point, I highly recommend you purchasing the Kindle version of Blizzard Head. It’s crisp, easy to use and you get more bang for your buck.
If you find that you absolutely love, or like you are absolutely infatuated with Blizzard Head, or you want it for your coffee table, then I highly suggest that you purchase the High Quality version(s) of it.
These are all my unfiltered reflections and opinions about what’s what when it comes to purchasing anything Blizzard Head. Hope it’s not too much for your Blizzard Head.
Granted with that said, I thank you all for your support and, most importantly, for being a part of my soul group. Jazakum Allah khairan; God Bless you all with abundant goodness. Allahuma Amen!